Alnovol® is non-self crosslinked modified phenol novolac resin which is used in reinforcement of rubber as well as adhesion promoter between rubber and textile or steel cord in tire application.
Advantages of Alnovol® as adhesion promoter:
- Environmental friendly, no odor and no fuming
- Replace resorcinol and resorcinol formaldehyde based resin
- Reducing cobalt content
- Improve aging properties
- Good adhesion properties
Influencesof Alnovol® as reinforcing resin to rubber compounds:
- Increase in hardness, stress and modulus values
- Reduce Mooney viscosity
- Good processing properties
- High filler loading
- Partial substitution of oil
- Long scorch time
- Improve reversion resistance
- Improve resistance to thermal/mechanical aging
- Dimensional stability of extruded compound
Polymer Type: Phenolic resin